a night in the lonesome october

Thursday, August 12, 2004

let freedom ring

Why is it that people want to make religion ritualistic, so often ignoring the heart of the matter? For instance the Franciscans. They did a lot of good in the US, before it was the US, among the Indians. But I would think they would have had time and energy to do more good, had there not been such a focus on rules of what they must and musn't do. Also, the A/G today. Why must the service always be the same order? Why does everyone have to speak in tongues in order to be a deacon, or even to prove you're filled with the Holy Spirit (to whom are we proving it, anyway)?

Throughout history, religious organizations have taken what should be a love relationship and made it into a posted notice: "Warning: Failure to adhere to all rules and regulations will result in immediate dismissal" Violators will be prosecuted (persecuted?) .

How did all this come about, that religion is associated with rituals and rules and traditions? True, the Old Testament is filled with the stuff, but the New Testament requires so little - if any - and indeed dedicates pages and pages to the 'heart of the matter': the heart of the person. If our basis and beginning is the Bible, where did all these other ideas come into play, and how were they allowed to take over?

How did it turn out this way? Where do we get these ridiculous notions? It's so restricting, claustrophobic. The Bible says Jesus has set us free. But religion doesn't sound like freedom to me. It's like being stuck in an elevator three stories undergound in the middle of a humid summer with no air conditioning. I can't breath. Let me out!

The Bible isn't that elevator! The Breath of Life doesn't need an airconditioner. Jesus is a sunny meadow on a crisp fall day with mountains on the horizon - nothing but sky and wind, sunshine and space and scents and laughter! "Dance with me!" He calls.

Just cut loose and let freedom ring!

she said it at 6:34 PM

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