a night in the lonesome october

Saturday, July 10, 2004

more than watchman

Perhaps God has me here for reasons yet unsuspected by myself.

How I hope so.

And whatever they are, I hope it has something to do with the breaking and changing of my heart. Oh God, oh God...I don't know if I can bear it, yet it is my heart's desire! I often lose sight and am forgetful, but deep within, my soul clings to You and I can't extract You from my most personal yearnings.

Teach me to ravishly seek You!

May my life be a sweet incense to You. How I long to know You and recognize Your voice. I know You often rend in order that You may heal, but God, in the midst of it help me to trust You when I cannot recognize Your hand, and You withold Your voice. I long for You to discipline and break me, that I may be as You would have me, yet it frightens me.

All I want to do is follow You, Jesus.

she said it at 7:02 PM

her guestbook


the letter i sent you is a half chain letter type thing thats totally awesome and cant be explained here because of the threat of boys. however, if theres anyone id really like to send a letter to because i know itd be appreciated...
please give me your address.
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